Thursday, September 11, 2008

hope vs despair

After reading Hodgkinson's article on educational demographics, my eyes have been opened to another world. I never thought about how demographics affected education. Race, access, economic background, and socialization all play a role in a child educational experience. As an urban teacher in training, being exposed to information from writer like Hodgkinson , will help me get a better understanding of urban education as a whole. Not only will I need to know the subject matter that I plan to tech but also I must get to know my students as well as their family background. No longer will it be suitable just to know that a student is black or white., I must know my students nationality and culture.

Urban schools have gotten a bad rep over the years. The students and teachers have lost hope. Not enough educational materials, violence on the rise, and low expectation, wouldn't you feel hopeless too???? Change is a coming !!! A new vision is on the horizon. Educators must empower themselves and their students. Parents have to get involved in their children's education. When children see their parents involvement , they want to do their best. Educators must find creative ways to make their lessons exciting and keep the students engaged. Students, parents and teacher have to find the positive in the bleak situation. I know that it takes time for the results of change to be seen. I'm ready to do my part to aid in making change in urban education.